This is a little burger joint in Roseville that's been in business since the 60's. (?) Not sure when it started but it's got that 1950's design which is why I decided to paint the place. I set up my easel and started painting about 9:00 and quit around 10:30 when the sun started beating on me. Hey, it's hard to paint outside (en plein air). The shadows are constantly moving and the colors change with the sun's movement so ya' gotta paint fast. I finished in my studio.
I came home with several pics of Lake Tahoe and was amazed at the sunrise after it had rained the day before. I tried to capture the colors in the clouds and the reflection on the water. I also added some foliage in the foreground to give the picture more depth.
On my way back from Lake Tahoe last week I stopped along the Truckee River to capture the beauty of the mountains and river. I set up my easel along the side of the highway and proceeded to paint away for about an hour when a big gust of wind came up and blew my box of paints and brushes down the embankment. I was behind the easel so was able to catch it before it blew away too but had to climb down the hill and fetch all my stuff. After I climbed back up I decided to go home and finish in a more secure environment. That's the problem with Mother Nature, you just never know what she's going to throw at you but that's part of the fun.